Solderability test method national technical systems. You can see how much better the solderability is on plate. This test employs a solder pot, a low power microscope, and may include steam aging of the test samples. So it is with great anticipation that the new jstd002 revision d, solderability tests for component leads, terminations, lugs, terminals and wires, is welcomed into the world. Citeseerx ansijstd002solderahility tests for component. Hot dip and look examined for evidence of porosity, voids, coverage, inconsistent wetting, etc. In its place, jedecs test method, jesd22b102, solderability, which. Hi guys, i know this may not be the right place to ask such a question, but i really need to know what the industry requirements are for performing solderability test on units with gold terminations.
The ipcjstd002e standard also includes a test method for the resistance to dissolutiondewetting of metallization. Solderability tests for component leads, terminations, lugs, terminals and wires. So it is with great anticipation that the new j std 002 revision d, solderability tests for component leads, terminations, lugs, terminals and wires, is welcomed into the world. Solderability varies depending on the type of solder alloy under discussion and when using leadfree alloys can differ significantly from solderability when using lead based alloys. Eiaipcjedec jstd002e solderability tests for component leads, terminations, lugs, terminals and wires a joint standard developed by ipc component and wire solderability speci.
When properly administered wetting balance measurement is by far the most accurate, quantitative method for measuring, testing and recording solderability. This standard prescribes test methods, defect definitions, acceptance criteria, and illustrations for assessing the solderability of electronic component leads, terminations, solid wires, stranded. Wetting balance test of a component lead, which is plated in both side, but not in the cut surface. Any revision to jstd002 will no longer be available for free to the industry on the jedec website. This standard was originally a joint standard, first copublished by ipc and eia in april 1992 as ipceiajstd003. A joint standard developed by ipc components and wire solderability. This standard prescribes test methods, defect definitions, acceptance criteria, and illustrations for assessing the solderability of electronic component leads, terminations, solid wires, stranded wires, lugs, and tabs. Jstd002 solderability tests for component leads, terminations, lugs, terminals and wires is the defining standard prescribing test methods, defect definitions, acceptance criteria and illustrations for assessing the solderability of electronic component leads. This test employs a dipping mechanism, a solder pot, a low power microscope, and may include requirements for steam aging of the test samples. This standard describes test methods by which the surface conductors. Photon steam aging system solderability test systems rps. Ipcjstd002e is intended for use by both supplier and user. Other documents to extent specified by the customer.
Each day exposed to accelerated steam aging is equates to extended time spent in storage. Eee parts solderability testing eee parts database. The new jstd003 revision c, solderability tests for printed boards, has just been released. The solderability test shall be performed in accordance with ipceia jstd002 current revision. The solderability test method provides optional conditions for preconditioning and soldering for the purpose of assessing the. Solderability testing flux ipc jstd 002 superior flux offers solderability testing fluxes per ipc jstd 002 in its updated iterations. In its place, jedecs test method, jesd22b102, solderability, which includes leadfree, was made available until it was replaced by jstd002d.
Mil standard 8832003, jedec jstd002, jesd22b102 and iec 6074921. The cover is designed so that steam is condensed and channeled to the side. Six sigma always considers the test to be destructive. The artificial aging is produced by 8hours of exposure to precision controlled temperature and steam. Solderability testing pertains to the process of evaluating the solderability of terminations i. Solderability testing of electronic components and printed boards by the wetting balance force measurement method. Steam aging solderability testing steam aging has been designed to artificially age electronic components and circuit boards, including high density discrete components.
While optional, an accelerated precondition is generally used prior to package solderability testing to simulate package shipment and storage. Any revision to jstd 002 will no longer be available for free to the industry on the jedec website. Solderability testing of components is considered a destructive test and the tested component should not be used for functional. There are seven solderability tests, four with established accept and reject criteria and three without. Bga solderability testing for analysis per jstd002c test s 4. J std 002d solderability tests eiaipcjedec jstd002d solderability tests for component leads, terminations, lugs, terminals and wires a joint standard developed by ipc components and wire. Ipc jstd002d solderability tests for component leads. Even though component re tinning or preconditioning is not a solderability test, it is an ideal method for. In the world of electronic assembly and componentprinted wiring board fabrication, there is no greater mandate than to develop leadfree technology. The procedures for using this test for the solderability of wire are well defined in american national standards ansijstd002 and milstd202 method 208. Understanding solderability testing for printed circuit. Oct 17, 2012 in the world of electronic assembly and componentprinted wiring board fabrication, there is no greater mandate than to develop leadfree technology. Ipc jstd002c in chinese language assessing the solderability of electronic component leads, terminations, solid wires, stranded wires, lugs and tabs.
Ansiipc jstd002c solderability tests for component leads, terminations, lugs, terminals and wires, includes amendment 1 november 2008 association connecting electronics industries 01dec2007 62 pages. Test standards milstd 883 and jstd 002 reference preconditioning for the purpose of assessing device package solderability. New jstd003 released for pcb solderability tests document. This standard also includes a test method for the resistance to dissolutiondewetting of metallization. The solderability test method provides optional conditions for preconditioning and soldering for the purpose of assessing the solderability of device package terminations. This standard prescribes test methods, defect definitions, acceptance criteria, and illustrations for assessing the solderability of electronic component leads. Ipc jstd002d solderability tests for component leads, terminations, lugs, terminals and wires. Bga solderability testing for analysis per jstd002c test s.
To understand the factors that influence their solderability, surface profilometry and scanning electron microscopy were used to characterize the wire surfaces. This is a question about complying with jstd001 solderability testing. Steam is always safely vented and safety features prevent leakage, over temp and insufficient steam. Aug 24, 2012 wetting balance test of a component lead, which is plated in both side, but not in the cut surface. The ones chosen by st are intended to cover the ones that are in most widespread use by our customers. Ipcjstd002e prescribes test methods, defect definitions, acceptance criteria, and illustrations for assessing the solderability of electronic component leads, terminations, solid wires, stranded wires, lugs, and tabs. Solderability is determined by evaluation of a test specimen which has been processed as part of a panel of. Ipc jstd002ccn solderability tests for component leads. Download free j std 002d solderability tests for component leadsthis is a lending process, so youll only be able to borrow the book, not keep it.
Ipc jstd003 solderability tests for printed boards. The new revision is a step forward in this regards and can be pre. Eiaipcjedec jstd002e solderability tests for component leads, terminations, lugs, terminals and wires. Solderability study of rabitsbased ybco coated conductors. Solderability testing equipment solderability test systems. Solderability testing fluxes per jstd002 for tinlead. Ipc jstd002e2017 solderability tests for component leads. The unit automatically shuts down at the end of the preprogrammed cycle. Ipcjedec jstd002 solderability tests for components leads, terminations, lugs, terminals, and wires. Solderability tests for component leads, terminations. The procedure for using this test for the solderability of wire is well defined in american national standards ansijstd002 as well as milstd 202208f.
At the request of ipc, jstd002b has been removed from the free download area. Component leads, terminations, lugs, terminals and wires. Jstd003c prescribes test methods, defect definitions and illustrations for assessing the solderability of printed board surface conductors, attachment lands, and platedthrough holes utilizing either tinlead or leadfree solders. Ipc jstd002ecn2017 solderability tests for component. Components after such solderability test shall only be used with agreement between the user and supplier. Understanding solderability testing for printed circuit boards and. Ipceca jstd002 solderability tests for component leads. A preconditioning test is included in this test method, which degrades the termination finish to provide a guard band against marginal finishes. Jun 29, 2001 this is a question about complying with j std 001 solderability testing. Test a, test b, test c, test d and tests for tinlead solder processes and test a1, test b1, test c1, test d and test s1 for leadfree solder processes, unless otherwise aabus, are to be used for each application as a default.
Solderability testing flux ipc jstd002 superior flux offers solderability testing fluxes per ipc jstd002 in its updated iterations. Industry standards for performing solderability testing include the following. The j standard requires steam aging as a component of the solderability test process. Be knowledgeable of the jstd 002 and 003 documents.
Solderability testing flux ipc j std 002 superior flux offers solderability testing fluxes per ipc j std 002 in its updated iterations. Solderability tests for component leads, terminations, lugs, terminals and wires 1 preface 1. Solderability tests for component leads, terminations, lugs. Ipc jstd002d solderability tests for component leads, terminations, lugs, terminals and wires ipc on. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Do any of you have your vendors certify that the components and pcbs that you buy from them comply with the solderabilty requirements spelled out in the 002 and 003, in lieu of performing the tests yourself. Samples will be tested in accordance with jstd002d method.
This standard is intended for use by both vendor and user. This part of iec 60068 outlines test tetc, the solder. Solderability testing, utilizing wetting balance technology, is a measurement of the weight and speed with which the solder meniscus climbs upwards on the component lead dipped in molten solder. This standard addresses both visual acceptance and force measurement solderability criteria for both ti.
Citeseerx document details isaac councill, lee giles, pradeep teregowda. Jstd002 solderability tests for component leads, terminations, lugs, terminals and wires is the defining standard prescribing test methods, defect definitions, acceptance criteria and illustrations for assessing the solderability of electronic component leads, terminations, solid wires, stranded wires, lugs and tabs. Find the most uptodate version of ipceca jstd 002 at engineering360. The new j std 002d, solderability tests for component leads. Mar 08, 2018 the ipcjstd002e standard also includes a test method for the resistance to dissolutiondewetting of metallization. Ipc j std 002c in chinese language assessing the solderability of electronic component leads, terminations, solid wires, stranded wires, lugs and tabs.
The solderability of three solders, 52in48sn, 67bi33in, and 100in wt. Even though component retinning or preconditioning is not a solderability test, it is an ideal method for. Ipc jstd003cwam1 solderability tests for printed boards. A frequently employed qualitative test is the solder bath dip and look test. Jstd002jstd002 covers test methods, defect definitions and acceptance criteria for assessing the solderability of component leads and terminations, solid and stranded wire, lugs, and tabs.
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